Town of Hermon, New York
Established in 1830
TAKE THE CHILL OUT OF WINTER ENERGY BILLS - This past year New Yorkers have dealt with significantly higher energy prices that increased their utility energy bills. Forecasts indicate that energy prices are likely to remain a concern for this winter period.
It is important that consumers are made aware of steps they can take, and the programs they can participate in, to reduce their energy use and help control energy bills this winter. I am writing to ask for your assistance in sharing this important information with your constituents. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!
HERMON CEMETERY - Please be advised that the Town of Hermon does not have authority over the Hermon Cemetery. This cemetery is owned and operated by the Hermon Cemetery Association. If you have questions, comments or complaints regarding the Hermon Cemetery we would advise you to call Robert Reed who is President of the Association at 315-322-1547.
NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS - The United Methodist Church of Hermon has a food bank with basic needs to assist any member of our community in need. If you know of elderly, shut-ins or those in need, please have them call April Allen at 315-854-5135 for assistance!
NOTARY SERVICES - The Hermon Town Judge and Court Clerk are both Public Notaries. Notary services are available at the Court during regular court and administrative hours.
ATV USAGE ON TOWN ROADS - The Town of Hermon's roads are not part of the St. Lawrence County Trail System and are not open to any off road vehicles. New York State law prohibits the use of any highway by off road ATV and UTV vehicles unless they are approved connector roads of a county approved trail system. Violators can be ticketed and fined. Click here to see the regulations.
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN DONATING A GIFT TO THE TOWN OF HERMON - The Town has passed a resolution to accept gifts. The gift giver may be specific on how they would like their gift used. The gift is acknowledged in writing. Recently, we received a gift from James Morrill for our Historical Center. Lenore Zaunere, Town Historian, has put this gift to wonderful use.