Town of Hermon, New York
Established in 1830
Town Assessor -Kathy Besaw
Office: (315) 347-3606; ext. 5
Cell: 315-276-5987
Fax: (315) 347-4547
Office Hours: Appointment by phone
The assessor is a local government official, qualified by New York State of Real Property Services. The Assessor maintains the municipality's assessment role which contains a physical description and value calculation of every parcel in the town. The value is utilized as a component in the tax bill calculations along with local, county, state and school district tax rates. The property inventory is available for inspection by appointment before the filing of tentative assessment role.
The Assessor also approves and keeps track of property exemptions. Among the most common are:
Important Dates:
March - Deadline for filing Exemptions
March - Taxable status due
May - Tentative Roll filed with Town Clerk
July - Final Assessment Roll filed
Additional Information:
Reassessments often bring questions and concerns by property owners regarding their property value and how it affects their taxes.
Reassessment and its effect in property taxes
Conducting a reassessment does not mean that your assessment or your taxes will automatically increase. Your taxes may increase, decrease or stay the same
Over time, market value of properties change. The value of some properties may increase, while the value of some properties may decrease. Frequent reassessments ensure that your property is assessed based on current market values, rather than on market values from 20 years past.
If your assessment increased, it doesn't mean that your taxes will automatically increase. If the increase in your assessment is less than the average increase, your taxes will actually decrease. For example:
If, your assessment increased by 12% and the average assessment increase was 15%, then your taxes will decrease (assuming your school and municipal budgets remain stable and the tax levies do not increase)
If you disagree with your reassessment the process to discuss it is first to talk with the assessor and receive information how it was calculated. You then have a right to file a Grievance and meet with the Board of Assessment Review. If you still have disagreement you have a right to file a dispute in Small Claims Court regarding your property value.
Click here for more detailed information.
The Town of Hermon Grievance Day is June 4, 2020 from 2-4pm and 6-8pm. Click here for Grievance Complaint forms. A copy of all Complaint forms must be received by the Assessor 3 working days prior to Grievance Day.
​Click here for 2024 Final Assessment Roll
Click here for tax payment history and delinquent taxes
Click here for instructions on how to contest your assessment