Town of Hermon, New York
Established in 1830
Winter Cold Relief
The New York State Department of Public Service’s winter outreach and education campaign is designed to help consumers manage their energy bills while staying warm and safe during the cold weather months. Our Campaign includes:

a dedicated winter preparedness webpage
multi-agency workshops about resources available to help consumers this winter season
free publications related to the upcoming winter season
You are invited to attend “one-stop shopping” virtual workshop on January 26, 2023 that include presentations from the following state agencies: Department of Public Service, Energy Research and Development Authority, Housing and Community Renewal, Office for the Aging, Power Authority, and Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.
Topics Include :
· Energy Affordability Programs
· Financial Assistance Programs
· Weatherization Programs
· Energy Efficiency
· Services for Older Adults
Join our Virtual Winter Workshop
Access Code: 2343 552 8230
Password: Jan26-1pm
Phone Only-Access:
Access Code: 2343 552 8230
Consumer Assistance Webpage
The Department’s winter preparedness has valuable resources for consumers such as controlling heating costs, consumer protections, energy efficiency and winter safety, as well as links to state and utility financial assistance programs.
Consider adding our winter preparedness webpage URL to your website and sharing it with your constituents.
Please download and share our Winter Preparedness flyer, which includes a QR code that opens directly to our webpage. Consider placing it in high traffic areas.
Place it in a physical location like your office lobby area.
Hand it out at exhibiting events or place on your table.
Include it in digital or physical mailings to your community.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss ways we can work together to inform consumers about utility issues, please contact Sangeetha Kailas of the Office of Consumer Services by phone at (212) 837-7258 or by email at